The secret ingredient to great leadership is influence. In all of life’s relationships we are being influenced by, and influencing, others.

For more tips and practical exercises, we recommend the “The Boss is Dead Companion Workbook.

Information without personal application is useless. Value is only obtained when we apply what we learn. This workbook goes chapter by chapter through the book and provides extended questions for reflection and application. The book and workbook are for more than leaders. It assists anyone who wants to strengthen their relationships. It is an excellent resource for both individuals and groups to study.


I was a lawyer before I became a pastor. As a lawyer, I worked as an employee and later as a boss. As a pastor, I led a staff team and countless volunteers. I have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of leadership. Contrary to the title of this book, the “boss” is not dead, he is just not at all well. The position of “boss” is under siege, and it should be. There is a better way to lead, more effective, more humane, and more enjoyable for both the leader and those being led. Come discover leadership through influence.

Disrespect for those in authority is now a matter of fact. Our Western culture is experiencing a crisis of effective leadership. “Do what I say because I am the boss” no longer produces the results it once did. The question must be asked, “Is there a better way to lead?”

Although this book examines leadership through the lens of the Bible, it is not just a book about Christian leadership. The principles found in this book apply equally to all leadership issues and situations. They apply to marriage, family, friendships, coworkers, bosses, and employees. As well as quoting biblical examples the author sights extensive research from the business world which dovetails perfectly with what the Bible teaches about leadership through influence.

The good news is that leadership through influence can be learned. We can all become more influential people. This book will answer the difficult questions about leadership:

  • Is Positional Leadership [“I am the boss so do as I say”] God’s first choice of leadership?
  • What are the weaknesses of Positional Leadership?
  • The Old Testament seems to be full of positional leaders, but positional leadership is rare in the New Testament Church. What changed? Why?
  • What are the characteristics of Influential leadership?
  • How is influence acquired and how is it increased?
  • What is the relationship between self-awareness and influence?
  • What is the relationship between emotional intelligence and influence?
  • What is the most powerful way to increase your influence?
  • What is the role of positional leadership in leading through influence?
  • When is positional leadership necessary?

And more.

The secret ingredient to great leadership is influence. In all of life’s relationships we are being influenced by, and influencing, others.

For more tips and practical exercises, we recommend the “The Boss is Dead Companion Workbook.

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