What is Our Identity?
Sin is not the bad things that we do but the deep desire within all of us to be independent from God – to be our own bosses. Man started out as children of God in the Garden of Eden [the garden of pleasure]. Through stepping away from God as Lord and Father man became [...]
How to Hear God Video
Mark gives a great sermon on How to Hear God.
How to Wait Well – part 1
Is there a biblical pattern to promises and their fulfillment in the life of a Christian? Abraham is given a promise of fathering a great nation. More than 50 years pass before he has a child. He is 100 before the promise is fulfilled. As a young man Joseph has a dream from God of [...]
New Book – Reluctantly Supernatural – coming soon
Science has failed to answer our deepest questions concerning the purpose and significance of human life. As a result, our culture is turning to the supernatural realm for the answers. The Bible is literally filled with the supernatural power of God intervening into human affairs. Not only does God act supernaturally into the lives of [...]
Life in the Spirit
We speak often of “life in the Holy Spirit” but often it means different things to different people usually depending upon our differing theology about the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit. This is unfortunate because life in the Spirit is a much deeper reality than simply whether or not you believe in the supernatural [...]
Serving Truth after its Expiry Date Part 2
Not only has the game changed but two very destructive lies have been injected into the game. Our culture has accepted two huge lies. The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you must agree with everything they believe [...]
Why the Law?
If our faith is about a relationship rather than law, why does the law exist? We were always intended by God to live life with our focus upon Him. He designed our operating system as an intimate relationship of love. Out of that relationship, we will be compelled by His love to do what pleases [...]
Is it was possible to have a “long distant” relationship with God?
Someone asked me it I thought it was possible to have a "long distant" relationship with God. Here is our dialogue. I would love others to join in on this conversation. Leave a comment. Mark - Good question. What do you define as a long distance relationship? Ferguson - Now that's a good question too. I [...]