Am I Grading Myself on the Curve?

This is the scariest part of discovering the truth about ourselves. If you haven't got to read the first two posts or listen to the sermon online - try it - I guarantee you will get a few laughs. This is the last installment before I move onto another topic - hopefully a bit lighter [...]

Do I really want to change?

Did I get your attention last week with my statements about Christians and truth? See post here if you missed it. It has the sermon link too. Truth = change and change = increased responsibility. I am thinking of the story of Jesus and the man at the pool of Bethesda. A crippled man has been [...]

Are we prone to self-deception?

We Christians think of ourselves as truthful people. We say we not only know the truth but we love it as well. Being a Christian, I have a lot of Christian friends. Being a pastor, I have known a lot of Christians over the years, in good times and bad. I find the above statement very [...]

What’s the Problem with Religion?

All religions are basically the same. A spiritual, material, eternal reward is offered and a system of behavior is required. When properly applied, the behavior brings the reward. The rewards differ: Nirvana, 72 Virgins, Cosmic Consciousness, Heaven, etc. As well, the system of behavior differs: prayer wheels, jihad, religious rituals, moral living, etc.  But the [...]

What do I tell my friend who is angry at the church?

Mark Cowper-Smith The answer depends on what they are angry about. For many years I was very angry with the church I grew up in. My anger was such that it was keeping me from God. I actually hated Christians. My issue was hypocrisy. My mistake was confusing God with His people. People [...]

“We have nothing to fear but pride itself”

I just got this email and it provoked some thoughts about pride. They wrote: Mark, Your messages have been amazing! It was so quiet on Sunday as you were speaking, so I know the words you were speaking were going straight to people's hearts, including mine. Your description of the sins we commit just being [...]

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