What do I tell my friend who is angry at the church?

Mark Cowper-Smith The answer depends on what they are angry about. For many years I was very angry with the church I grew up in. My anger was such that it was keeping me from God. I actually hated Christians. My issue was hypocrisy. My mistake was confusing God with His people. People [...]

“We have nothing to fear but pride itself”

I just got this email and it provoked some thoughts about pride. They wrote: Mark, Your messages have been amazing! It was so quiet on Sunday as you were speaking, so I know the words you were speaking were going straight to people's hearts, including mine. Your description of the sins we commit just being [...]

What about Gossip?

In response to questions about gossip: Gossip is any statement however made that would tend to depreciate the reputation of the person being the subject of the statement. The fact that the statement is true is not a defense to gossip. The fact that the statement is made with a request for prayer for the [...]

What is Wisdom?

Wisdom is thought by most people to be the right answer when faced with a difficult decision. We turn to the wise person for the answer. The wise person gives us an answer that may be the correct decision for us, and so we go away having received "wisdom". The problem with this solution is [...]

Book of Philippians

The book of Philippians is a letter to a church. To understand the letter we have to understand the church. Churches are just like people; they have a genetic code which they received from their parents. They are formed as well, through the experience of their early formative years.  The church of Philippi is the [...]

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