What do you do with grief, sadness, anger?

Excerpt from "Is God Religious; If not why are we? A Contemporary Example I want to tell you a true story. I was running a camp for high school kids. One of the counselors came and told me there was a girl (we will call her Marsha) who was having a very bad time at [...]

What do you see?

Many of us have seen the ink drawing which, at first glance, appears to be nothing more than wandering lines on a page. We are told it is a drawing of an ugly old hag. Soon we see the ugly old hag and we can’t believe we didn’t see her immediately.  At this point, we [...]

Spiritual son describes Mark

Mark and Me At 21 years old I had dropped out of school, was coming off heavy drug use, living at home, and flat out lazy. Rightfully, my parents asked me to move out, leading to feelings of abandonment and disapproval. I was lost. Combined with a naturally pessimistic, change adverse, and self-doubting nature a [...]

Why the Law?

If our faith is about a relationship rather than law, why does the law exist? We were always intended by God to live life with our focus upon Him. He designed our operating system as an intimate relationship of love. Out of that relationship, we will be compelled by His love to do what pleases [...]

What’s the Problem with Religion?

All religions are basically the same. A spiritual, material, eternal reward is offered and a system of behavior is required. When properly applied, the behavior brings the reward. The rewards differ: Nirvana, 72 Virgins, Cosmic Consciousness, Heaven, etc. As well, the system of behavior differs: prayer wheels, jihad, religious rituals, moral living, etc.  But the [...]

Post your comments on the book here

Thanks for your comments on my book. I am really enjoying the discussion that is coming about. Post your thoughts here. This comment came in via email so I will post it here: "Even thought I have been involved in many Protestant churches and Bible Studies over the years, I discovered as a young adult [...]

What do my life choices reveal?

Mark Cowper-Smith Someone has asked me how to respond to someone who doesn't really care about their life choices because they think God has to love them on account of Grace. This attitude is, of course, a misapplication of God's unconditional love. Sadly, it proliferates where teaching on grace abounds. In fact, this [...]

Healing during a meditation – how cool is that?

At the last evening of our book discussion group, I led a Scripture meditation of the paralytic being lowered down through the roof to Jesus. Scripture meditation is patiently thinking about the Scripture passage in light of God's Holy Spirit. Our part is  slowing down and listening. Richard Foster (author of many books including Celebration [...]

Further thoughts on Slaves to Sonship

Avoiding the second stage. See post on this discussion. For most of us our return to our true identity is a three stage journey; from slave, to servant, to son or daughter. We start out as slaves to our own self focus. We call it sin but it is really just a deep commitment to [...]

Helping the Holy Spirit to Help Us

Mark Cowper-Smith We all want more of God in our lives, so how do we get more of Him? Psalm 78:40-42 in the KJV says, "How oft did they provoke Him in the wilderness, and grieve Him in the desert! Yea, ....they limited the Holy One of Israel." It is more than possible [...]

We don’t, be He can.

So how do we change our identity from a merely conscientious [yet failing] servant to “successful son or daughter”? The short answer is; we don’t, but He can. Listen to full sermon here. Many times I have reminded you that sin is not the bad things that we do but the deep desire within all of [...]

Why I do what I do.

Mark Cowper-Smith The following is a testimony from someone that read my book and spent some time with Shell and I. When I first met this woman several weeks ago, she described herself as a "black and white" person who wanted to go beyond that mode of thinking. She was hoping the book would [...]

A question you don’t often hear in church?

What are the words that come to mind when you hear the word “Naked?” When I ask this question when I am teaching, I get the following word answers: “shame”, “ugly”, “sin”, “vulnerable”, “exposed”, “embarrassed”.  Most of these are negative – fear shame, etc. Have you ever noticed how you can read a verse and [...]

“Da wife” comments on the book

Here is a post from "da wife": As the authors wife I did not know if it would be legitimate for me to post a comment, so I have hesitated for awhile. I also realized that Mark's message has affected me so deeply it's hard to put into words. But words are way to share and [...]

Leave me a comment right here

This morning a lady called that I have never met to tell me she was reading my book and wants her son to read it. We went on to have a long and very enjoyable conversation about our faith. Sometimes the best insights come about just because we begin discussing something that matters to us. [...]

It’s here – official book release

Since my wife's perseverance led to the writing of my book, 'Is God Religious?" and since it is her birthday, the book will be officially released this Sunday. We started a pre-release book discussion group a few weeks ago. It has been wonderful to see people reading it. I have some friends at the gym who [...]

Discussion group kick off a success!

17 of us enjoyed the wonderful A/C on one of the hottest days of the year in Room 254 at RB Community Presbyterian Church last Tuesday night. I asked what people wanted to get out of the discussion group and got some great gut honest answers. A few people responded that they see their black [...]

Paradise Lost, Paradise Found

Have you ever noticed how you can read a verse and skip over it without paying much attention and then one day you take another look and a light comes on - connections are made and the Lord is teaching you something? Catch this verse – it contains within it one of the most important [...]

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