What if obedience is really nothing more than saying "I love You" to God?We are told that we need to “know” God but rarely are we told HOW to know God. We are told that God wants an intimate relationship of love with us but we are not told what our part is or how to do it.

Join Mark on Thursday nights from 6:30-8:30 pm; Jan 22, Feb 5, Feb 19 for a practical guide to an intimate relationship with God.

This course will try to answer those questions. Because our goal is an intimate experience with God the course will not be merely theoretical. We will have regular opportunities to experience what we are discussing. Come for the adventure!

Put your name on the contact below and we will email you with directions to the class.

If you do not live in the area and are interested in this class, please fill out the content form. We are video taping some of the classes.

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