Listening prayer is listening with the intent of hearing God’s message to us, for whatever He wants to say. It is not about getting our prayers answered. It is not about our needs or desires. It is focused on intimacy with God who is our loving Father. It does not seek information, wisdom or answers. It is content with the simplest comment. It is even content with the silence that comes in the presence of one who feels no need to speak. It is content just knowing the beloved is present. Listening prayer is born in stillness and deepened through waiting. Listening prayer is at the heart of all power ministry. Jesus only did what He saw the Father doing. The more clearly we can discern God’s voice, the more we will do His will. When we become aware of His guidance, moment by moment, we will experience Him acting through our lives on a daily basis. When we have learned to listen such that we become aware of His presence without the need to “hear Him” we will truly experience His promise, “Lo, I am with you always”.
How do we know this isn’t New Age dabbling that can get us connected with another spirit than we want?
Hi Lettie,
Good question. Listening prayer is not a technique it is part of a relationship with God. We come into relationship with God through our acceptance of Jesus’ death on the cross as the payment for our rebellion from God [what we call sin]. Once we have a relationship with Jesus as our savior and Lord we can trust that He will communicate with us. The way we “judge” what we question is from Him is by comparing the message we receive subjectively with what He has said objectively in His word [the Bible]. Don’t trust a subjective word that is inconsistent with the character, teaching, commands, purposes, etc. of Jesus as revealed in the Bible. Hope this helps,